Sākumā katra ideja tiek uzskicēta uz papīra, vēlāk zīmējums tiek rūpīgi uzlabots līdz vēlamajam jeb perfektajam rezultātam..


    Katra ideja, pirms to nodod galdnieka rokās, tiek rūpīgi rasēta, ņemot vēra gan topošās konstrukcijas drošību, gan rotaļlietas lietošanas ērtumu. Katrai rotaļlietas detaļai ir jābūt tīkamai pieskārienam, kā arī jānodrošina tās absolūta kvalitāte un izturība.


    Galdnieks, izmantojot dotos rasējumus, katram darbam pievērš milzum lielu atbildību un rūpību. Katra klucīša, katras mazās detaļas un katras koka ripiņas izgatavošana, prasa lielu pacietību un meistarību.


    Kad mākslinieces rokās nonāk galdnieka izgatavotais darbs, tas kļūst par mākslas darbu. Gan māksliniecei, gleznojot katru detaļu ar smalku otiņu, gan krāsotājam, krāsojot klucīšus ar kvalitatīvāmkrāsām, katrai mūsu rotaļlietai tiek piešķirta oriģinalitāte un unikalitāte.


The beginnings of the company

The beginnings of the company can be traced back to post-Soviet Latvia, when children's developmental toys were in short supply. Two young doctors, thinking about their first born, concluded that no store offers on their shelves what is necessary for the development of the delicate muscles of the fingers or other necessary goods.

Aware of this problem, the company Domiņa was created - with the idea of ​​Latvian children whose playboxes will lack the necessary goods. It was clear from the very beginning – quality and handwork are the key. Therefore, even today, more than 25 years later, each toy is created and processed by hand, so that once purchased, it will last for several generations. Over the years, the company has grown - toys are created and perfected not only with the help of foreign literature, but in cooperation with the country's leading psychologists, educators and experts in alternative education, so that each item is perfectly suitable for a child of the appropriate age. Parents also made a big contribution by telling how the inheritance settled in the family and how the child reacts. We value this cooperation very highly. Even our items are often found not only in Latvian kindergartens and development institutions, but also in foreign schools.